
Center Organization

The Joint Center Consists of Center Directors, Advisory board, Academic Committee and Operation/Project Teams

Center Directors:

The Center consists of three sites (SMIC, UCR and PKU). Each site has one Co-Director in charge of the overall operations and management.

SMIC co-Director: Dr. Tianshen Tang, Senior Vice President

UCR co-Director: Prof. Albert Wang

PKU co-Director: Prof. Yuhua Cheng, Dean of SHRIME/PKU

Advisory Board:

Joint Center directions and consultation. Each site has one advisor to serve on the Board.

SMIC co-Director: Dr. Tzu_Yin Chiu, CEO

UCR co-Director: Prof. Michael Pazzani, Vice Chancellor, UCR

PKU co-Director: Prof. Yangyuan Wang, Member of the Chinese Academy of Science

Academic Committee:

Academic supervision. Each site has one member for the committee

SMIC co-Director: Chengyu Zhu, Vice President

UCR co-Director: Prof. Albert Wang

PKU co-Director: Prof. Yuhua Cheng, Dean, SHRIME/PKU